Annually numbers of film sales in a store
Annually numbers of film sales in a store RNLJP
This chart demonstrates a yearly number of various types of film sales in a specific store in ten years. Generally, this shop sells movies through rentals, VHS, DVD, and Blu-ray formats. The sale trend in this store is not specific or keen and shows lots of fluctuations. The highest number belongs to DVDs(about 200, 000) and, the lowest is around 3000 for the Blu-ray.
VHS sales were present in 2002 until 2005 with a significant decrease in numbers. Amazingly, In 2006 this shop sells just DVDs and rentals. Blue-rays have been introduced since 2007 with a limited but, growing acceptance.
Renting was the most popular way to see a movie in 2002 but, its popularity decreased over time, and in 2011 holds second place. However, DVDs have been acclaimed recently, their usage seems to have some degree of fluctuations.
To conclude these days people prefer buying films, especially on a DVD or A Blu-ray form, rather than rent them.
This chart demonstrates a yearly number of various types of film sales in a specific store in ten years.
, this shop sells movies through rentals, VHS, DVD, and Blu-ray formats. The sale trend in this store is not specific or keen and
lots of fluctuations. The highest number belongs to DVDs(about 200, 000) and, the lowest is around 3000 for the Blu-ray.
VHS sales were present in 2002 until 2005 with a significant decrease in numbers.
, In 2006 this shop sells
DVDs and rentals.
been introduced
since 2007 with a limited
, growing acceptance.
Renting was the most popular way to
a movie in 2002
, its popularity decreased over time, and in 2011 holds second place.
, DVDs have
been acclaimed
recently, their usage seems to have
degree of fluctuations.
To conclude
these days
prefer buying films,
on a DVD or A Blu-ray form,
than rent them.