The line chart depicts the average amount of carbon dioxide emission produced per capita for four European countries, the united kingdom, Sweden, Italy and Portugal, over a four decade between 1967 and 2007. The most significant feature in the schema is, in 1997 the trend of discharging of carbon dioxide in Sweden has reached peak which is around 11 metric tons subsequently, the discharging of co2 to the atmosphere among the other nations. In 1967 the UK at the peak value of around 10 metric later it has showing the snail dipping and finally reached at 7 metric tons. It is evidence from the graph, the effusion of co2 in both Italy and Portugal have steady increasing from 1967 to 2007. Portugal have less carbon dioxide emission among the for nations. In the case of Italy, It level of co2 gas remain constant from 1997 to 2007 while that the Portugal increased only marginally between 1997 to 2007. overall the graph demonstrate the sweden is the most successful nation in reducing the its level of co2 emission per capita that other three countries.
The line chart depicts the average amount of carbon dioxide emission produced per capita for four European countries, the
united kingdom
, Sweden, Italy and Portugal, over a four decade between 1967 and 2007. The most significant feature in the schema is, in 1997 the trend of discharging of carbon dioxide in Sweden has reached peak which is around 11 metric tons
, the discharging of co2 to the atmosphere among the other nations. In 1967 the UK at the peak value of around 10 metric later it has showing the snail dipping and
reached at 7 metric tons. It is evidence from the graph, the effusion of co2 in both Italy and Portugal have steady increasing from 1967 to 2007. Portugal
less carbon dioxide emission among the for nations. In the case of Italy,
It level
of co2 gas remain constant from 1997 to 2007 while that the Portugal increased
between 1997 to 2007
the graph demonstrate the
is the most successful nation in reducing
the its level
of co2 emission per capita that other three countries.