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Restaurant has placed an advertisement for waiters

Restaurant has placed an advertisement for waiters peLxd
Dear sir, I read about a job vacancy in the post of a waiter in your restaurant through a local newspaper. I am looking forward to applying for this post with attached my resume. I am currently studying a master’s in civil engineering, and plan to work with your restaurant to enhance my experience. Eventually, during my leisure time, I take a baking clases for cakes. I am extremely fascnate about it. Along with that, I believe, I am suitable for this job because the restaurant quite close to my residence also, I am precise friendly with individual’s. In additionally, I have impressive in communication skills that are required for this occupation. Moreover, I-can speak four languages fluently such as Bengali, English, Hindi and Spanish which is rare skills nowadays. As far as I am concerned, I can come for interview tomorrow or at the time of your convenience. At the same time, I am looking forward your response. Your faithfully Nazmul Hasan
Dear sir,

I read about a job vacancy in the post of a waiter in your restaurant through a local newspaper. I am looking forward to applying for this post with attached my resume.

studying a master’s in civil engineering, and plan to work with your restaurant to enhance my experience.
, during my leisure time, I take a baking
for cakes. I am
about it.

Along with that, I believe, I am suitable for this job
the restaurant quite close to my residence
, I am precise friendly with individual’s. In
, I have impressive in communication
are required
for this occupation.
, I-can speak four languages
such as Bengali, English, Hindi and Spanish which is rare

As far as I
am concerned
, I can
for interview tomorrow or at the time of your convenience. At the same time, I am looking forward your response.


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IELTS letter Restaurant has placed an advertisement for waiters

  American English
7 paragraphs
162 words
Overall Band Score
Coherence and Cohesion: 6.5
  • Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
  • ?
    One main idea per paragraph
  • ?
    Include an introduction and conclusion
  • ?
    Support main points with an explanation and then an example
  • Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
  • ?
    Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
Lexical Resource: 5.5
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 6.5
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
  • Check your writing for errors
Task Achievement: 5.0
  • Answer all parts of the question
  • ?
    Present relevant ideas
  • Fully explain these ideas
  • ?
    Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
Labels Descriptions
  • ?
    Currently is not available
  • Meet the criteria
  • Doesn't meet the criteria
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