TPO OG1 integrated altruism is against selfishness people do not get anything as a reward meerkats sacrifice their lives guarding the herd when they alarm they have to run a way alone they eat nothing when they do their duty
TPO OG1 integrated altruism is against selfishness people do not get anything as a reward meerkats sacrifice their lives guarding the herd when they alarm they have to run a way alone they eat nothing when they do their duty n6epR
The article asserts that altruistic acts are more beneficial for others than the actor themselves and defends this hypothesis with three explanations. The professor, on the other hand, overthrows all of them and claims that by reexamining former beliefs, deeper insights will be found for specific behaviors, in this case altruism. In the follwoing, her justifications, used to shed light on this controversy, will be discussed thoroughly.
First of all, the passage declares that in meerkats, one individual will risk itself and stand as a guard, albeit with empty stomach, while others search for food. The lecturer states that the gaurdian eats before starting its duty, so it is full. Moreover, it stays near a shelter, for example a barrel, thus, when it sees a predator, it escapes to that shelter. Other meetkats which are searching for food, as the professor says, are some how more in danger than the guardian.
Secondly, the essay says that the guard meetkat alarms when it sees an enemy, a hawk for instance, and has to run away alone which is so risky. However, the teacher insists that this action of cautioning will cause others to either move away or gather together which attracts more attention in comparison to that specific individual one. This will draws away attention from the caller.
Tertiary, the passage upholds that the actions like donating blood or body organs and sharing food have no benefit for the doer, and it is exactly against being selfish. The educator refutes this idea insomuch as she claims these acts increase appreciation from approval of others. The donor/helper thus feel more self-worth by doing these beneficial things. According to the lecturer, the rewards of altruism are mostly non-material.
The article asserts that altruistic acts are more beneficial for others than the actor themselves and defends this hypothesis with three explanations. The professor, on the
hand, overthrows all of them and claims that by reexamining former beliefs, deeper insights will
be found
for specific behaviors,
in this case
altruism. In the
, her justifications,
to shed light on this controversy, will
be discussed
First of all
, the passage declares that in
, one individual will
itself and stand as a guard, albeit with empty stomach, while others search for food. The lecturer states that the
starting its duty,
it is full.
, it stays near a shelter,
for example
a barrel,
, when it
a predator, it escapes to that shelter.
which are searching for food, as the professor says, are
some how
more in
than the guardian.
, the essay says that the guard
alarms when it
an enemy, a hawk
for instance
, and
has to
run away alone which is
, the teacher insists that this action of cautioning will cause others to either
away or gather together which attracts more attention
in comparison
to that specific individual one. This will draws away attention from the caller.
Tertiary, the passage upholds that the actions like donating blood or body organs and sharing food have no benefit for the doer, and it is exactly against being selfish. The educator refutes this
insomuch as she claims these acts increase appreciation from approval of others. The donor/helper
feel more self-worth by doing these beneficial things. According to the lecturer, the rewards of altruism are