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Some people believe that children should spend all of their free time with their families. Others believe that this is unnecessary or even negative. Discuss the possible arguments on both sides, and say which side you personally support.

Some people believe that children should spend all of their free time with their families. Others believe that this is unnecessary or even negative. Discuss the possible arguments on both sides, and say which side you personally support. dooDo
A number of individuals support that all type of kids ought to pass ühole their dates together their families. At the same time, another group of society think that isn't right way for children. In my opinion, parental influence is essential case for children life, but not every time. On the one hand, children need after-school childcare by their family, guardians or foster parents. Additionally, nobody deny that they accept their parents as a role models for themselves. Occasionally, teenagers incur the pressure by their peers, therefore parents' surviallence is usefully. Simultaneously, they should be teached codes of conduct and also human rights for defense of such accidents. On the other hand, children have to adopt among communities to independence of their lifes. For instance, if a child is depend on his/her parents, then will live problems to be breadwinner in the future. All of us know that this bad situation in inevitable. In conclusion, it needs properly both pass together their peers and families for their well brought-up.
A number of individuals support that all type of kids ought to pass
their dates together their families. At the same time, another group of society
that isn't right way for
. In my opinion, parental influence is essential case for
not every time. On the one hand,
need after-school childcare by their family, guardians or foster parents.
, nobody
that they accept their parents as a role models for themselves.
incur the pressure by their peers,
, they should be
codes of conduct and
human rights for defense of such accidents.
On the other hand
have to
adopt among communities to independence of their
For instance
, if a child is
on his/her parents, then will
problems to be breadwinner in the future. All of us know that this
situation in inevitable.

In conclusion
, it needs
both pass together their peers and families for their well brought-up.
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IELTS essay Some people believe that children should spend all of their free time with their families. Others believe that this is unnecessary or even negative. Discuss the possible arguments on both sides, and say which side you personally support.

  American English
2 paragraphs
169 words
This writing has been penalized,
text can't be
less than 250 words in Task 2
and less than 150 words in Task 1
Overall Band Score
Coherence and Cohesion: 5.0
  • Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
  • ?
    One main idea per paragraph
  • Include an introduction and conclusion
  • Support main points with an explanation and then an example
  • Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
  • Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
Lexical Resource: 5.5
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 6.5
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
  • Check your writing for errors
Task Achievement: 5.0
  • Answer all parts of the question
  • ?
    Present relevant ideas
  • Fully explain these ideas
  • Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
Labels Descriptions
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    Currently is not available
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  • Doesn't meet the criteria
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