In this modern age, there has been sharp decline in the numbers of vivacious teachers in education system. Therefore it is inevitable to analyze this changing trend and to brain storm the ideas for ameliorating the dignity of teacher’s profession.
The factors engendered the reduction in headcount for pursuing the dream of to be a teacher are mainly economy, migration, and the emotional reasons while living in the society. Firstly, the world has accelerated so fast in these 25 years such that inflation in the prices of rudimentary needs is making every young aspirant to be practical in terms of earning money. In addition, the fast life in the cities with better connectivity and infrastructure in the urban area mesmerizing the youth to be limit themselves to city life. Finally the acceptance can be coined as the main reason, which gives the individual a recognisition in the society. High salaried jobs are being treated as the benchmark of the success.
After mentioning the factors which has caused the sudden fall in this prominent profession, steps need to be taken from the government to bring back the glory again. Rewarding better remunerations, social awareness and recognizing on the bigger platforms must be on the agenda of ministry of education. Raising the salary is the easiest way but making social awareness on social platform must be prioritized by using cutting age digital technologies such as face book, twitter etc. Finally comes the recognition which raises the respect and dignity for making a leap in any profession. The international award given recently to the rural teacher of India by the UK is the best example, which became the reason of discussion in every youth of world.
In conclusion, the pivotal role of the teachers for development of healthy society deserves meticulous efforts, in order to build the best future for the young aspirants. Otherwise this may lead to humanity where chances of chaotic upbringing of teenagers would be pressing issue.
In this modern age, there has been sharp decline in the numbers of vivacious
in education system.
it is inevitable to analyze this changing trend and to brain storm the
for ameliorating the dignity of
The factors engendered the reduction in headcount for pursuing the dream of to be a
economy, migration, and the emotional reasons while living in the society.
, the world has accelerated
in these 25 years such that inflation in the prices of rudimentary needs is making every young aspirant to be practical in terms of earning money.
In addition
, the
life in the cities with better connectivity and infrastructure in the urban area mesmerizing the youth to be
themselves to city life.
the acceptance can
be coined
as the main reason, which gives the individual a
in the society. High salaried jobs are
being treated
as the benchmark of the success.
After mentioning the factors which has caused the sudden fall in this prominent profession, steps need to
be taken
from the
to bring back the glory again. Rewarding better remunerations, social awareness and recognizing on the bigger platforms
be on the agenda of ministry of education. Raising the salary is the easiest way
making social awareness on social platform
be prioritized
by using cutting age digital technologies such as face book, twitter etc.
the recognition which raises the respect and dignity for making a leap in any profession. The international award
recently to the rural
of India by the UK is the best example, which became the reason of discussion in every youth of world.
In conclusion
, the pivotal role of the
for development of healthy society deserves meticulous efforts, in order to build the best future for the young aspirants.
this may lead to humanity where chances of chaotic upbringing of
would be pressing issue.