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Many different countries have most shops and products as the same Some consider it a positive dvelopment whereas others consider it negative 1

Many different countries have most shops and products as the same Some consider it a positive dvelopment whereas others consider it negative 1 a8KQP
Everyone has the unique preferences and tastes in clothing. There is an opinion that dressing style of an individual is related to one's tradition and character. I disagree with this view. This essay will discuss why people are wrong to judge a person's nature based on the outfit, despite some instances where culture and dressing can be related. A choice of a dress mainly indicates the fashion sense. Though, sometimes we judge a person based on the outfit, the actual reality would be different. Not just a person wearing the black colour shirt is usually considered to be rude and follower of the western cultures, but also people who prefer soft shades are believed to be soft spoken. More often than not these opinions were proven to be wrong and absurd. For example, Rahul Dravid, a renowned cricket player is known for his simplicity and politeness, who always chooses to wear dark coloured imported suits. So, the outfits should not be taken into account while predicting someone's tradition and behaviour. To contradict, in some occasions, apparel and culture can be related. Every tradition has its own customs, rituals, as well as a unique dressing system associated with it. To exemplify, most of the ladies wear sarees in India, white colour saree is mostly worn by Malayalis. Similarly, Kupya, short-sleeved coat is an indication of a Kodava. Admittedly, a clear distinguishable outfit pattern could be easily related to the culture of an individual wearing it. To conclude, it is not possible to predict the character of a man, based on the colour, design, and standard of the clothes. However, in my opinion, a rare clothing style can be linked to one's traditional background.
Everyone has the unique preferences and tastes in clothing. There is an opinion that dressing style of an individual
is related
to one's tradition and character. I disagree with this view. This essay will discuss why
to judge a person's nature based on the outfit, despite
instances where
and dressing can
be related

A choice of a dress
indicates the fashion sense. Though,
we judge a person based on the outfit, the actual reality would be
. Not
a person wearing the black
shirt is
considered to be rude and follower of the western
who prefer soft shades
are believed
to be
soft spoken
. More
than not these opinions
were proven
to be
and absurd.
For example
, Rahul
, a renowned cricket player
is known
for his simplicity and politeness, who always chooses to wear dark
imported suits.
, the outfits should not
be taken
into account while predicting someone's tradition and

To contradict, in
occasions, apparel and
be related
. Every tradition has its
customs, rituals,
as well
as a unique dressing system associated with it. To exemplify, most of the ladies wear sarees in India, white
saree is
worn by
, short-sleeved coat is an indication of a
, a
distinguishable outfit pattern could be
related to the
of an individual wearing it.

To conclude
, it is not possible to predict the character of a
, based on the
, design, and standard of the clothes.
, in my opinion, a rare clothing style can
be linked
to one's traditional background.
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IELTS essay Many different countries have most shops and products as the same Some consider it a positive dvelopment whereas others consider it negative 1

  American English
4 paragraphs
282 words
Overall Band Score
Coherence and Cohesion: 6.0
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  • Include an introduction and conclusion
  • Support main points with an explanation and then an example
  • Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
  • Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
Lexical Resource: 5.5
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 6.5
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
  • Check your writing for errors
Task Achievement: 6.0
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  • Fully explain these ideas
  • Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
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