Over the last few decades, the tendency of using electronic books has risen in popularity over the alternative of paper-format ones. This essay will highlight both the benefits and drawbacks that result from such a tendency.
To begin with the positives, a crucial advantage that digital books have as a form of reading is that they are environmentally friendly. This is because they neither require resources taken by the nature and nor end up as landfill waste. In contrast, the thorough process of manufacturing paper books poses a problem of deforestation, that is meant by chopping down trees on a massive scale. Besides reducing the number of dead trees, e-books are also more affordable. As there is no need to manufacture and ship them, it is enough to have an access to the Internet to download any preferable material in electronic form.
Nevertheless, excessive and inappropriate use of e-books does present several pressing matters. For instance, individuals, whose job requires constantly staring at the screen of the device, may suffer from eye strain resulting in red eyes or itchiness. Another disadvantage that cancels out a benefit of these books is the lack of feeling referred as “book satisfaction”. Unlike paper books, it is considered to be utterly impossible to feel the lovely fragrance of new book and turning pages, thus failing to carry sentimental values of printed form of books.
In conclusion, although books published in electronic form are beneficial in terms of being eco-friendly and saving money, it is no wonder that they also harm people’s eyesight and are arguably not as appealing as books made out of paper.
Over the last few decades, the tendency of using electronic
has risen in popularity over the alternative of paper-format ones. This essay will highlight both the benefits and drawbacks that result from such a tendency.
with the positives, a crucial advantage that digital
have as a form of reading is that they are
friendly. This is
they neither require resources taken by the nature and nor
up as landfill waste.
In contrast
, the thorough process of manufacturing paper
poses a problem of deforestation, that
is meant
by chopping down trees on a massive scale.
reducing the number of dead trees, e-books are
more affordable. As there is no need to manufacture and ship them, it is
to have
an access
to the Internet to download any preferable material in electronic form.
, excessive and inappropriate
of e-books does present several pressing matters.
For instance
, individuals, whose job requires
staring at the screen of the device, may suffer from eye strain resulting in red eyes or itchiness. Another disadvantage that cancels out a benefit of these
is the lack of feeling referred as
satisfaction”. Unlike paper
, it
is considered
to be
impossible to feel the lovely fragrance of new
and turning pages,
failing to carry sentimental values of printed form of books.
In conclusion
, although
published in electronic form are beneficial in terms of being eco-friendly and saving money, it is no wonder that they
’s eyesight and are
not as appealing as
made out of paper.