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In many families today, both parent work ,are there more advantage when a women work than disadvantages.?

In many families today, both parent work, are there more advantage when a women work than disadvantages. ? o1JXD
Undoubtedly, it has been witnessed that the trend of working husband and wife is increasing whole across the world; therefore, i firmly believes that its merites easily outnumbered its demerits which I will discuss in the subsequent paragraphs along with a logical conclusion. To begin, there are multifarious advantages of above mentioned view, the gargantuan one is that it cast profound effect on the economic condition of a family. To explicate it, if a women work and earn handsome amount of sallery, their family easily fulfill their basic need such as accommodation and food because they can get ample amount of money for their requirements. As a result, leaving standard of that respective family can be increased. To examplyfy, my paternal uncle's family can be cited as a perfect example of it because wife of my uncle is a regional manager in Tata company who gets plethora of money from their employer. Hence, they will not face any kind of problem which is related which money. Further more, despite the presence of aforementioned view, another gigantic cons of this development is that they can teach their children in advanced educational institutes. To elaborate it, nowadays cost of studying in the well known schools are relatively very high as compared with others. So, only that individual are able to pay the fees of high profile schools who are well settled and earn large chunk of money: however, when only one people works in a family, it may be impossible to pay the huge amount for education. But, if both parents earn, they will easily manage the fees of top ranked universities. For instance, a recent report of Canadian ministry in 2018, reveald that 37% of schoolers in Canada west university were those who's mother and father, both employed. To conclude, although there are many benefits of working women in a house, the most striking are better economic condition and able to fulfill their needs.
, it has
been witnessed
that the trend of working husband and wife is increasing whole across the world;
believes that its
outnumbered its demerits which I will discuss in the subsequent paragraphs along with a logical conclusion.

, there are multifarious advantages of above mentioned view, the gargantuan one is that it cast profound effect on the economic condition of a
. To explicate it, if a
work and earn handsome amount of
, their
fulfill their basic need such as accommodation and food
they can
ample amount of money for their requirements.
As a result
, leaving standard of that respective
be increased
. To
, my paternal uncle's
be cited
as a perfect example of it
wife of my uncle is a regional manager in Tata
plethora of money from their employer.
, they will not face any kind of problem which
is related
which money.

more, despite the presence of aforementioned view, another gigantic cons of this development is that they can teach their children in advanced educational institutes. To elaborate it, nowadays cost of studying in the well known schools are
high as compared with others.
that individual are
able to pay the fees of high profile schools who are well settled and earn large chunk of money:
, when
in a
, it may be impossible to pay the huge amount for education.
, if both parents earn, they will
manage the fees of top ranked universities.
For instance
, a recent report of Canadian ministry in 2018,
that 37% of schoolers in Canada west university were those
who's mother
and father, both employed.

To conclude
, although there are
benefits of working women in a
, the most striking are better economic condition and able to fulfill their needs.
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IELTS essay In many families today, both parent work, are there more advantage when a women work than disadvantages. ?

  American English
4 paragraphs
323 words
Overall Band Score
Coherence and Cohesion: 6.0
  • Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
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    One main idea per paragraph
  • Include an introduction and conclusion
  • Support main points with an explanation and then an example
  • Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
  • Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
Lexical Resource: 5.5
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 6.5
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
  • Check your writing for errors
Task Achievement: 6.0
  • Answer all parts of the question
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    Present relevant ideas
  • Fully explain these ideas
  • Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
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