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the proportion of educators categorized by gender on six distinct kinds of educational institutions

the proportion of educators categorized by gender on six distinct kinds of educational institutions W5yVK
The given bar chart depicts the proportion of educators categorized by gender on six distinct kinds of educational institutions/stages/systems in the United Kingdom, in the year 2010. Overall, it is noticeable that the percentage of female teachers tended to decrease significantly depending on the increasing level of the education system, whereas the opposite pattern was witnessed among male lecturers in the UK. As can be observed from the chart, most women hold positions at nursery schools with the percentage roughly 95%, whereas the figure for men in this area was at the lowest, at about 5%. The same pattern also was seen in primary level where over 90% of teachers were female, significantly higher than that of men. By contrast, female lecturers were in the majority in University with 75%, almost doubling the ratio of women. It was noticeable that the proportion of men and women living by teaching in College was equal, a half for each one. Besides, there was a slight difference between the data for men and women teachers, at 46% and 54% respectively in secondary school. Meanwhile, in private training institutes, more men engaged as teachers than women by 5%.
bar chart depicts the proportion of educators categorized by gender on six distinct kinds of educational institutions/stages/systems in the United Kingdom, in the year 2010.

, it is noticeable that the percentage of female
tended to decrease
depending on the increasing level of the education system, whereas the opposite pattern
was witnessed
among male lecturers in the UK.

As can
be observed
from the chart, most
hold positions at nursery schools with the percentage roughly 95%, whereas the figure for
in this area was at the lowest, at about 5%. The same pattern
in primary level where over 90% of
were female,
higher than that of
. By contrast, female lecturers were in the majority in University with 75%, almost doubling the ratio of women.

It was noticeable that the proportion of
living by teaching in College was equal, a half for each one.
, there was a slight difference between the data for
, at 46% and 54%
in secondary school. Meanwhile, in private training institutes, more
engaged as
by 5%.
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IELTS academic the proportion of educators categorized by gender on six distinct kinds of educational institutions

  American English
4 paragraphs
194 words
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Coherence and Cohesion: 7.0
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Lexical Resource: 5.5
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Grammatical Range: 6.5
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Task Achievement: 7.0
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