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The pie charts below show the most common advantages and disadvantages of Bowen Island, according to a survey of visitors.

The pie charts below show the most common advantages and disadvantages of Bowen Island, according to a survey of visitors. 3eRJ
The diagrams provide information about the opinions of tourists on what aspect they are satisfied and not satisfied with Bowen Island through a survey. Overall, it is evident that there are several advantages and disadvantages of the island. Interestingly, most visitors complain about the high cost of living, while the people and the scenery make the Bowen Island worth visiting. It is true that Bowen Island has many features that attract guests, but it still seems to be far from being perfect. Mounting up to exactly half of travelers find living expenses on the island extremely expensive, and a quarter of them believes that the lack of entertainment lessens the effectiveness of the place. Not to mention the weather and the quality of food, which are slightly close to each other, result to another quarter of the survey’s downside. Even with the pointed flaws, there are also various reasons why vacationers appreciate Bowen Island. According to the survey, the locals are the main factor why 42% feel genuinely please with the place. While 35% of them admire the beauty of the surroundings, it is also notable that approximately 11%-12% of them find both the lifestyle and the good housing another purpose for exploring the island.
The diagrams provide information about the opinions of tourists on what aspect they
are satisfied
and not satisfied with Bowen
through a survey.

, it is evident that there are several advantages and disadvantages of the
, most visitors complain about the high cost of living, while the
and the scenery
the Bowen
worth visiting.

It is true that Bowen
features that attract guests,
seems to be far from being perfect. Mounting up to exactly half of travelers find living expenses on the
expensive, and a quarter of them believes that the lack of entertainment lessens the effectiveness of the place. Not to mention the weather and the quality of food, which are
close to each other, result to another quarter of the survey’s downside.

Even with the pointed flaws, there are
various reasons why vacationers appreciate Bowen
. According to the survey, the locals are the main factor why 42% feel
with the place. While 35% of them admire the beauty of the surroundings, it is
notable that approximately 11%-12% of them find both the lifestyle and the
housing another purpose for exploring the
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IELTS academic The pie charts below show the most common advantages and disadvantages of Bowen Island, according to a survey of visitors.

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4 paragraphs
205 words
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Coherence and Cohesion: 7.0
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Lexical Resource: 6.0
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Grammatical Range: 6.5
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Task Achievement: 7.0
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