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The charts below show the main reasons for study among students of different age groups and the amount of support they received from employers

The charts below show the main reasons for study among students of different age groups and the amount of support they received from employers r95N
The chart illustrates the vital cause of studying among pupils of different ages and their support from employer versus their ages. Overall, it can be observed that the students under 26 are studying for a better job. On the other hand, most people over 45 educate because they like the subject. Meanwhile, the young students get the highest range of support from their employers, by 70%, and the middle-aged persons, who aged between 30-39, have the lowest support. As the first figure shows, 80% of the young people educate due to finding a suitable job. Becoming older makes the percentage of the career, as the reason for studying, decrease. While the interest percentages grow and for students between 40-49, the job and interest with 45% have precisely the same proportion of the educational aim. The second chart represents 70% of the youngest people support by their employers. Whether with a decreasing trend, students aged 30-39 got the minimum time off and fees, with 35%. For the person who aged over 39, the employers help with salary and time off increase and reach 45% for the oldest group who aged over 49.
The chart illustrates the vital cause of studying among pupils of
ages and their support from
versus their ages.
, it can
be observed
that the
under 26 are studying for a better job.
On the other hand
, most
over 45 educate
they like the subject. Meanwhile, the young
the highest range of support from their
, by 70%, and the middle-aged persons, who
between 30-39, have the lowest support.

As the
, 80% of the young
educate due to finding a suitable job. Becoming older
the percentage of the career, as the reason for studying, decrease. While the interest percentages grow and for
between 40-49, the job and interest with 45% have
the same proportion of the educational aim.

The second chart represents 70% of the youngest
support by their
. Whether with a decreasing trend,
the minimum time off and fees, with 35%. For the person who
over 39, the
with salary and time off increase and reach 45% for the oldest group who
over 49.
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IELTS academic The charts below show the main reasons for study among students of different age groups and the amount of support they received from employers

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