The chart presents data on homeowner status for the age group 25-34 over a ten years period for landlords and tenants.
The chart presents data on homeowner status for the age group 25-34 over a ten years period for landlords and tenants. Or88M
The bar chart depicts how people leased and rented in the United Kingdom at the age of 25 to 34 from 2004 to 2014.
Overall, throughout the period of time, the home owners’ percentages dropped while that of the renters rose.
The houses’ possessors proportions had the tendency to go down. It started with almost 60 percent, which was its peak, in 2004 but through time, in 2014, the percent was approximately 45.
Renters, on the other hand, climbed for about 28 percent in 10 years. It began with only 20 percent, the lowest point of the chart, and ended with 48 percent in 2014.
Another interesting point is that from 2004 to 2012, the landlords had higher percentages than tenants, however, in 2013 and 2014, that was reversed.
The bar chart depicts how
leased and rented in the United Kingdom at the age of 25 to 34 from 2004 to 2014.
, throughout the period of time, the
home owners
’ percentages dropped while that of the renters rose.
’ possessors proportions had the tendency to go down. It
with almost 60
, which was its peak, in 2004
through time, in 2014, the
was approximately 45.
on the other hand
, climbed for about 28
in 10 years. It began with
, the lowest point of the chart, and ended with 48
in 2014.
Another interesting point is that from 2004 to 2012, the landlords had higher percentages than tenants,
, in 2013 and 2014, that
was reversed