It is argued that there is a growing disparity between the wealthy and underprivileged in society, which has a deleterious effect. These differences are caused by a number of factors including a failing economy that has created several problems such as increased crime rates. These issues will be discussed in further detail in this essay.
Firstly, the global economy has seen a decline since 2008, which has resulted in falling levels of employment. Moreover, when people do not have work, they do not earn money and, therefore, cannot pay for basic provisions like food and bills. As a result, crime rates rise because those people who are becoming poorer need to resort to criminal activity in order to provide for their families.
Secondly, privileged children tend to be sent to public school where they receive an arguably better education than their more impoverished peers. Furthermore, better schooling leads to jobs in high-level roles within well-paid industries like the finance sector whereas less well-off youngsters are more likely to embark on careers in the unskilled sector, where salaries are considerably lower than those of their richer counterparts.
is argued
that there is a growing disparity between the wealthy and underprivileged in society, which has a deleterious effect. These differences
are caused
by a number of factors including a failing economy that has created several problems such as increased crime rates. These issues will
be discussed
detail in this essay.
, the global economy has
a decline since 2008, which has resulted in falling levels of employment.
, when
do not have work, they do not earn money and,
, cannot pay for basic provisions like food and bills.
As a result
, crime rates rise
who are becoming poorer need to resort to criminal activity in order to provide for their families.
, privileged children tend to be
to public school where they receive an
better education than their more impoverished peers.
, better schooling leads to jobs in high-level roles within well-paid industries like the finance sector whereas less well-off youngsters are more likely to embark on careers in the unskilled sector, where salaries are
lower than those of their richer counterparts.