A glance at the pie chart provided reviels the information on the utilization of social media by representatives of different age groups in Jamestown three years ago. According to the diagram, the population aged from thirteen to over fifty five was observed regarding their preferences of using the Internet indicated in percentages highlighting with various colors. It is apperant that the vast majority of proportion with fourty percent was related to teenagers as they are tend to interact with thair acquaintances from all around the globe and entertain by following their popular icons in shou business, while senior citizens are considered to be passive users with the lowest trends of only two percent simply because they do not have proper skills to acknowledge digital devises. Moreover, the second largest proportion of applying social media belongs to the youth aged 26-35 with thirty five percent which gives the opportunity to facilitate up to date working atmosphere and save precio A glance at the pie chart provided reviels the information on the utilization of social media by representatives of different age groups in Jamestown three years ago.
According to the diagram, the population aged from thirteen to over fifty five was observed regarding their preferences of using the...