The line chart demonstrates number of travellers who want to go Edinburgh sightseeing attractions of Scotland. It compares four different entertainments places to compare: Aquarium,
Castle, Zoo and Festival.
Castle visitors coming was increasing from 25% to 45% during 1980 to 1995, reaching its highest level. Followed by 1995, the percentage rating significantly decreased to 30% end of 2010.
Vacationers who enjoy festival activity maintain the same level between 25% to 30% throughout thirty years.
20% of aquarium sightseers started at the beginning of 1980 and continued its upward until 35% in 1985 and dramatically dropped less than 10% at the end of 2010.
Holidaymakers visiting to Zoo rate went to an oscillation in the middle of 10% to 15% within two decades 1980 and 2000. After that there is an enormous climb till 20% end of 2010.
By comparing those tourism attractions, castle tourists rose to a peak of 45% in 1995. On the contrary, Zoo visitor hit a trough point lesser 10% in 1990.
The line chart demonstrates number of
who want to go Edinburgh sightseeing attractions of Scotland. It compares four
entertainments places to compare: Aquarium,
Castle, Zoo and Festival.
Castle visitors coming was increasing from 25% to 45% during 1980 to 1995, reaching its highest level. Followed by 1995, the percentage rating
decreased to 30%
of 2010.
Vacationers who enjoy festival activity maintain the same level between 25% to 30% throughout thirty years.
20% of aquarium sightseers
at the beginning of 1980 and continued its upward until 35% in 1985 and
dropped less than 10% at the
of 2010.
Holidaymakers visiting to Zoo rate went to an oscillation in the middle of 10% to 15% within two decades 1980 and 2000.
that there is an enormous climb till 20%
of 2010.
By comparing those tourism attractions, castle tourists rose to a peak of 45% in 1995.
On the contrary
, Zoo visitor hit a trough point lesser 10% in 1990.