The rendered table and pie-chart depict the value and percentage of the fish supplier to the United States between 1988 and 2000.
Overall it is conspicuous from the table that the total value rose over time and peaked in the year 2000. Furthermore, Canada was the top supplier in 1998 but by 2000 Others had surpassed it.
Explicitly, the value of fish imported in the USA rose from 6. 57 billion in 1988 to 8. 52 billion dollars in 1992 and further increased to 10. 72 billion dollars by 2000.
Turning to the pie chart, Canada was the largest supplier of fish with 60 % which plunged to 34 % in next four year and further dropped to 28 % in 2000. While China which supplied just 13 % of fish in 1988, rose to 20 % in 1992 and soared to 30 % by 2000. Lastly, Others which imported 27 % of fish in 1988 nearly doubled their export to 46 % in 1992, Although they saw a slight dip of 4 % in 2000 they became the top supplier of fish.
The rendered table and pie-chart depict the value and percentage of the fish
to the United States between 1988 and 2000.
it is conspicuous from the table that the total value rose over time and peaked in the year 2000.
, Canada was the top
in 1998
by 2000 Others had surpassed it.
, the value of fish imported in the USA rose from 6. 57 billion in 1988 to 8. 52 billion dollars in 1992 and
increased to 10. 72 billion dollars by 2000.
Turning to the pie chart, Canada was the largest
of fish with 60 % which plunged to 34 % in
four year and
dropped to 28 % in 2000. While China which supplied
13 % of fish in 1988, rose to 20 % in 1992 and soared to 30 % by 2000.
, Others which imported 27 % of fish in 1988
doubled their export to 46 % in 1992, Although they
a slight dip of 4 % in 2000 they became the top
of fish.