top ten destinations for australian people
top ten destinations for australian people R0eQM
The bar chart shows the ten most favorite destinations for Australian people in two points of time 2000/2001 and 2010/2011.
Overall, there is a slight change over the period of 10 years, however, New Zealand was still the most attractive destination over the period, whereas Fuji and Malaysia were the least attractive ones.
In the year 2000/2001 more Australian residents were likely to travel to native English- speaking countries such as New Zealand, the US, and the UK, which takes 16%, 10%, and 9% respectively. On the other hand, less than 6% of the residents preferred traveling to Asia countries such as Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, and China. The least percentage of residents traveled to Fiji, accounting for only 2%.
Ten years later, in 2010/2011, the percentage of people traveling to New Zealand, the US, and the UK slightly decreased from 0, 5-25%. Whilst, travelers to Indonesia, Thailand, China, and Fiji increased by nearly 2%. At the same time, Malaysia became the least attractive destination to Australia with 3%.
The bar chart
the ten most favorite destinations for Australian
in two points of time 2000/2001 and 2010/2011.
, there is a slight
over the period of 10 years,
, New Zealand was
the most attractive destination over the period, whereas Fuji and Malaysia were the least attractive ones.
In the year 2000/2001 more Australian residents were likely to travel to native English- speaking countries such as New Zealand, the US, and the UK, which takes 16%, 10%, and 9%
On the other hand
, less than 6% of the residents preferred traveling to Asia countries such as Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, and China. The least percentage of residents traveled to Fiji, accounting for
Ten years later, in 2010/2011, the percentage of
traveling to New Zealand, the US, and the UK
decreased from 0, 5-25%. Whilst, travelers to Indonesia, Thailand, China, and Fiji increased by
2%. At the same time, Malaysia became the least attractive destination to Australia with 3%.