The pie charts give information about how foreign students registered the online English courses in Australia, USA and Canada in 2009 and 2010. Overall, the proportion of international students used Internet to book the course all increased over years in three countries. The 3 remained categories varied upward and forward differently by years and by countries. In 2009, the percentages of registration by Internet in Australia, USA and Canada were 24%, 25% and 27%, respectively. These number then considerably rose up by 3% to 28% in USA and 30% in Canada while Australia witnessed a significant growth to 39% in 2010. Students who pre-booked with agents accounted for both 26% in Australia and Canada and 23% in USA in 2009. In spite of the development of this method in USA and Canada to 26% and 35% in 2010, the same kind of figure sharply dropped to 17% in Australia. The percentages of international students booked the course on arrival in Australia and Canada were similar of 30%, this fig The pie charts give information about how foreign students registered the online English courses in Australia, USA and Canada in 2009 and 2010.
Overall, the proportion of international students used Internet to book the course all increased over years in three countries. The 3 remained categories v...