The process demonstrates the detail information about producing cherry jamsOverall, there're nine main steps, starting from gathering cherries in the garden to labeling the jars. Firstly, cherries are collected by a sheet that spreads on the ground by a handle that shakes the cherries. Subsequently, the cherries are transported to the factory by trucks. After that, they are sent to an automatic machine in order to separate the leaves, stems and other things from the fruit as well as quantify the cherry. In the following stage, washing process will be done by spraying the jets on the cherry while they are moved to a striker to remove the middle of the cherry, called seed. After that, cherries are transported to a large metal pot and heated up before some extra ingredients are added into the jam. No sooner is the quality of jams determined by the experts in the laboratory that separate jams are placed into the machine that pour the jams into individual jars. The process ends with labeling the production.
The process demonstrates the detail information about producing cherry
, there're nine main steps, starting from gathering
in the garden to labeling the jars.
are collected
by a sheet that spreads on the ground by a handle that shakes the
, the
are transported
to the factory by trucks. After that, they are
to an automatic machine in order to separate the
, stems and other things from the fruit
as well
as quantify the cherry. In the following stage, washing process will
be done
by spraying the jets on the cherry while they are
to a striker to remove the middle of the cherry, called seed. After that,
are transported
to a large metal pot and heated up
extra ingredients are
into the jam. No sooner is the quality of jams determined by the experts in the laboratory that separate jams
are placed
into the machine that pour the jams into individual jars. The process ends with labeling the production.