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the graph and char below show the number of new graduates and employment status in the UK from 1992 to 2002.

the graph and char below show the number of new graduates and employment status in the UK from 1992 to 2002. VPx2A
The change in the number of new graduates and the rate of employment status in Great Britain from 1992 to 2002 is displayed in the line graph and bar chart, respectively. Overall, British students was more and more likely to graduate. Meanwhile, the vast majority of them were to occupy in professional employment. However, all figures showed an upward trend, except it for clerical and secretarial, and professional. Initially, there were around 160000 graduates, with the most popular status as a professional at almost three fifths, followed by them working as a managerial and administrative employee at a fifth. Furthermore, only less than one in ten of the new graduated students were occupied in both clerical and secretarial, and other jobs, while there was no data recorded in the figure for sales. Eventually, although the number of them peaked at 195000, it decreased quite significantly by 25000. Moreover, the percentage of professional status declined to two fifths, then that of managerial and administrative one also experienced a slight downward trend of popularity to below a tenth. This contrasts to two previous figures, the sales and other status inclined moderately to about one in ten, while the remaining one recovered to be twofold of its intial proportion.
in the number of new graduates and the rate of employment
in Great Britain from 1992 to 2002
is displayed
in the line graph and bar chart,

, British students was more and more likely to graduate. Meanwhile, the vast majority of them were to occupy in professional employment.
, all figures
an upward trend, except it for clerical and secretarial, and professional.

, there were around 160000 graduates, with the most popular
as a professional at almost three fifths, followed by them working as a managerial and administrative employee at a fifth.
less than one in ten of the new graduated students
were occupied
in both clerical and secretarial, and other jobs, while there was no data recorded in the figure for sales.

, although the number of them peaked at 195000, it decreased quite
by 25000.
, the percentage of professional
declined to two fifths, then that of managerial and administrative one
experienced a slight downward trend of popularity to below a tenth. This contrasts to two previous figures, the sales and other
to about one in ten, while the remaining one recovered to be twofold of its
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IELTS academic the graph and char below show the number of new graduates and employment status in the UK from 1992 to 2002.

  American English
4 paragraphs
206 words
Overall Band Score
Coherence and Cohesion: 7.0
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Lexical Resource: 6.0
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  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 6.5
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Task Achievement: 6.5
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