The two pie charts compare the money spent on seven goods and services in the USA in the period from 1966 to 1996.
Overall, there were various changes in the expenditure patterns over a ten-year period. Food was by far the most important part of income spent by Americans in 1966, whilst cars dominated and left food behind itself in 1996.
In 1966, the percentage of food bought accounted for 44%. More than half as much, namely 23% made up by cars. Furniture was the largest third segment by 10%, leaving behind petrol and restaurants at 9% and 7% respectively. However, the expenditures on computers had the least significant part(1%) among other items.
In 1996, cars amounted to 45% of the total purchasing activities. People in the USA made the same amount of transaction by 14% in both restaurants and foods; similarly, petrol and furniture also shared the same proportion by 8%. On the other hand, there was a striking decrease in books purchased from 6% to 1% in a decade.
The two pie charts compare the money spent on seven
and services in the USA in the period from 1966 to 1996.
, there were various
in the expenditure patterns over a ten-year period.
was by far the most
part of income spent by Americans in 1966, whilst cars dominated and
behind itself in 1996.
In 1966, the percentage of
accounted for 44%. More than half as much,
23% made up by cars. Furniture was the largest third segment by 10%, leaving behind petrol and restaurants at 9% and 7%
, the expenditures on computers had the least significant part(1%) among other items.
In 1996, cars amounted to 45% of the total purchasing activities.
in the USA made the same amount of transaction by 14% in both restaurants and
, petrol and furniture
shared the same proportion by 8%.
On the other hand
, there was a striking decrease in books
from 6% to 1% in a decade.