This line graph illustrates the percentages of household income spent on different spheres for a period of 50 years starting from 1965. Savings became the largest distribution seen in the table in 1965. Before 1990, there was a small initial downfall. After that, the percentage fell significantly and in 2015, people saved less than 5% of their household income. Accommodation began with the second largest allocation, more than 10%. Similar to savings, the proportion dropped steadily for the first twenty years, but after that, it continued to rise and finally hit the top of more than 15% in 2005. All four segments, including recreation, food, transport, gas and electricity, have seen a small upward rise in household income distribution. Finally, spending on home improvements was stagnant until 1990. The figure, however, started to increase continually and finished at about 2. 5% at the end. In conclusion, 6 out of 7 categories finished at higher level in 2015 than it was in 1965. This line graph illustrates the percentages of household income spent on different spheres for a period of 50 years starting from 1965. Savings became the largest distribution seen in the table in 1965. Before 1990, there was a small initial downfall. After that, the percentage fell significantly an...