As the picture shows, there are two line graphs depict the progressions of two different events, percentage of smokers and the amount of alcohol user consumed in liter. Overall, the first chart experienced a downward trend, and the second one encountered a fluctuation.
A glance at the first graph, Holland took the highest position, started at approximately 57% in 1960 and dramatically went down at around 43% in 1980. Japan, meanwhile, decreased gradually about 48% in 1960 and met the same point of Holland in the year 1980, and both continued drop until 2000. The same experience happened in USA, declined from 40% in 1960 to by roughly 20% in 2000.
On the second graph, USA and Holland rose significantly about 7 and 3 liter respectively in 1960, and peaked about 11 liter in Holland and just over 10 liter in USA in 1980. Afterwards Holland leveled off about 11 liter in 2000 while USA dropped sequential. On the other hand, Turkey encountered moderate change from 1. 5 liter in 1960 to 1. 7 in 2000.
As the picture
, there are two line graphs depict the progressions of two
, percentage of smokers and the amount of alcohol user consumed in liter.
, the
chart experienced a downward trend, and the second one encountered a fluctuation.
A glance at the
graph, Holland took the highest position,
at approximately 57% in 1960 and
went down at around 43% in 1980. Japan, meanwhile, decreased
about 48% in 1960 and met the same point of Holland in the year 1980, and both continued drop until 2000. The same experience happened
in USA
, declined from 40% in 1960 to
roughly 20% in 2000.
On the second graph, USA and Holland rose
about 7 and 3 liter
in 1960, and peaked about 11 liter in Holland and
over 10 liter
in USA
in 1980. Afterwards Holland leveled off about 11 liter in 2000
while USA
dropped sequential.
On the other hand
, Turkey encountered moderate
from 1. 5 liter in 1960 to 1. 7 in 2000.