The graph depicts the proportion of Australian products exported to four countries from 1990 to 2012.
Overall, the proportion of Australia's exports to China and India has an upward trend while the US and Japan have a reduction. Furthermore, of the four countries surveyed, China experienced the greatest increase in exports.
In 1990, Japan imported roughly 25% of total imports, making it the country's top export market of Australia at the time. Australia only exports over 10% of its products to the US, which is approximately ten times quite China and India.
From 1990 to 2012, export to Japan dropped to simply above 20% in 1995, followed by another drop, although milder, over the next 17 years to around 16%. Meanwhile, throughout the first 15 years of the period, the figure for the United States ranged between 8 and 11%, before falling to 5 percent in 2010 and recovering somewhat to 7% in 2012. In comparison, after beginning at a low level, China experienced a steady rise to 5% over the next 5 years and eventually reached an all-time high of 28% in 2012. In the first ten years, the percentage of exports to India was close to zero but progressively increased to 7% in 2010 before falling to 5% in 2012. .
The graph depicts the proportion of Australian products exported to four countries from 1990 to 2012.
, the proportion of Australia's
to China and India has an upward trend while the US and Japan have a reduction.
, of the four countries surveyed, China experienced the greatest increase in exports.
In 1990, Japan imported roughly 25% of total imports, making it the country's top
market of Australia at the time. Australia
over 10% of its products to the US, which is approximately ten times quite China and India.
From 1990 to 2012,
to Japan dropped to
above 20% in 1995, followed by another drop, although milder, over the
17 years to around 16%. Meanwhile, throughout the
15 years of the period, the figure for the United States ranged between 8 and 11%,
falling to 5 percent in 2010 and recovering somewhat to 7% in 2012.
In comparison
, after beginning at a low level, China experienced a steady rise to 5% over the
5 years and
reached an all-time high of 28% in 2012. In the
ten years, the percentage of
to India was close to zero
increased to 7% in 2010
falling to 5% in 2012.