Why people love our website

We know that these testimonials are not very well-written, but they are genuine and made by real people. (See IELTS certificates and email proofs.)
I tried different checkers for my writings, and your service is
the best! Also, your templates were highly beneficial. You
helped me a lot to get Band 7 for the writing part. My
certificate is attached to this email.

Advik Khatri
With IELTS69, I had an opportunity to understand the style of
the exam and had a chance to practice it. With this site, it is
not impossible to get the score you want. Thanks a lot!

Ece Şenyiğit
Good IELTS tutor cost $30-50 per hour on average. It's less
than cost of your service for 1 month. Thanks for the great
service. It's worth much more than I paid ;) There is my

Dung Nguyen
Sorry I didn't complete my ielts because i didn't try/attempt of ielts exam
But I have cleared my GMAT exam at a score of 680+ marks....

Ajit Jha
I have obtained the required band for me. Writing - 7, Speaking
- 7, Listening - 8, Reading - 9. And your materials were of
immense value. Thanks a lot for your assistance.

Ph.D. Kasun Nandapala
Yes I’ve passed my test with my desired band. I got an eight.
I found it very helpful for my writing practice. During my preparation I felt human teachers were kind of biased and judged my writing based on what they think is right but IELTS69 was amazing.

Raelynn Winston
Here is my ielts certificate. Thank you very much for your help with the website.
It’s been really helpful!! I’m really happy about my scores, is what I needed to get into the course I’ve applied!

Lucia Jimenez De Parga
Yes I have got my certificate and yes your service has helped me
a lot. I got total 7.5 band in academic IELTS!

Amrin Akter
Thank you for your email. Your website helped me a lot. Please
find the attached TRF report. Once again thankyou for helping to
achieve this.

Vishnu Venugopal
I passed my exam with an overall band score of 7. Your site was very helpful especially with writing, the premium writing service helped me polish up the few areas I had challenges as far as writing is concerned. I'm grateful. I'd definitely recommend the site for anyone taking the test soon. I have attached my certificate.

Grace Mbora
I have passed my IELTS exam on the desired mark(Band 7) and I am
so happy about that. Thank you so much for your work and work of
your team! Your site was helpful :) Topic on speaking club were
interesting and there was an opportunity to talk with different
people and go out of my comfort zone which is cool as well

Olenka Plysyuuk
I took the IELTS exam twice and got 6.5 in writing both times.
Your site was quite helpful to me, as a result I can achieve my desired score.
Thanks a lot. You are so honest about your business. Best of luck and I pray for your success.

M.D. Abu Sayeed Sheikh
While preparing for IELTS, the most troublesome part is practicing the writing segment.
I would like to appreciate the efforts of Nikita in making this platform as an online writing assistant.
If you are starting your writing practice and need a platform for primary assessment of your writing skills,
strong and weak points before taking the help of a professional writing tutor, then this platform can be worth your time.

Uttam Kumar Tamboli
Your site is useful and helpful. Im thanking your team for this great job.
It is a pleasure take your invitation for Speaking club.
Your website is great, I still recommend it to everyone!
Yes I needed 6 points for 22 days I was able to achieve, most importantly I am now on an English improvement course in the UK at the University of Birmingham, so I think it will be even better soon :) but most importantly I still check my essays on your site!
Thank You. Dildora

Дильдора Джураева
The most valuable resources for me were the IELTS Writing
Premium checker, which is what I originally subscribed for, and
the "recent speaking tasks" section arranged in a
quite convenient way, topics from where I used for practice.
While the writing evaluation may not be precisely correct in all
cases, it is still helpful for determining certain systematic
mistakes, such as repeated words and sentence structures, and
suggesting their potential improvement. Thank you for the

Ramina Bebezova
Thank you so much for checking with me.
Yes, I have cleared my exam with the desired band.
The site helped me a lot to get a good band in writing .
Was my site helpful? - Yes it was so helpful to understand what i have to improve.
Are you satisfied with my service? - Yes a lot.
What can I do to improve it? - Might be the time for evaluation if possible can be made bit faster so that its very useful if someone is near the exam date to retake the exam nothing much.
Sure if you l see my writing has been improved and has higher mark compared to other sections.
Attached my certificate.

Deepika Hari
I am sharing my story as a testimony!
I wrote the exam and got scores as, Listening - 8.5 and reading - 8, speaking 7, and writing - 6.5.
But I was supposed to get 7 in all the sections. So I was a bit frustrated that I did not get the desired score and started preparing myself to reappear for the IELTS 2nd time.
That is when I started browsing through your IELTS69 website and took a premium membership subscription.
I used to write about 30 - 35 essays in a month, and I would get evaluated by your premium site; it always gave me a band score of 7 on your site.
The sample essays of Band 7 displayed on your site were similar to my writing style.
So I gathered all the courage that my writing was not so bad at all; with the help of your premium evaluation, I used repeated words, alternative suggestions, and linking words.
In the writing section, I gave for reevaluation of my scores to the IELTS conducting center.
After three weeks, I found my score increased from 6.5 - 7 in the UK after re-correction, and finally, I got a band 7 in my writing.
In a nutshell, your premium correction service helped me to think and analyze my writing, and it prevented my 2nd-time appearance for the exam. At last, I cracked the score on the first attempt after going through many obstacles.
A big thank you.

Jayasree Chandramouli
I'm glad I found out this website this year and benefited from it.
No matter which part you want to specialize, you always can find useful tips as well as some necessary practices and examples on it, which is my favorite part about this web and app.
I still remember how fast I could learn about IELTS from nothing to everything with its help.
Especially for writing part, I really marveled that its system can not only point out many grammar errors but also provide a few suggestions for more precise words exclusively for your articles.
Therefore, I genuinely recommend this web and its app to everyone seeking out an excellent web for IELTS.
